"Designing man" genius to be seen at auction
Author: Richard Brewster | Posted: 8th August, 2017
Keith Clarke is fondly remembered as the wardrobe supervisor for Channel 2 – for which he earned his nickname the “designing man”.
A man of great style and talent, in addition to his agility with needle and thread Keith was a costume designer for the Australian Opera, Australian Ballet and the ABC.
His most well known design was for Dame Joan Sutherland’s 1976 performance in Idomeneo for which he still had the original costume sketches when he died.
These and other items from his collection will be auctioned from 2pm Thursday August 10 by Leonard Joel at 333 Malvern Road, South Yarra.
Highlights from the collection include lot 32, a 19th century porcelain potpourri and cover, and lot 23, a finely painted Chinese vase.
Buyers at this auction will obtain a real feel for Keith’s designing genius, well demonstrated in a home that encapsulated rich colours and traditional motifs.
Blessed with a keen eye and passion for acquiring items of beauty, his three-bedroom residence was admired by all who visited for its decorative style that included Chinese works of art, traditional continental antiquities and vibrant textiles.