EJ Ainger

Boyhood passion burned ever so brightly

Having two grandfathers who are respected antique dealers and silversmiths is bound to influence any young boy in his collecting habits.

Growing up in Worthing, England Graham Chismon was no exception. Although he studied accountancy and later practised at Monsanto in Melbourne, Mr Chismon’s passion for collecting continued to burn – particularly so after 1990 when his family had grown up. An eventual relocation to Victor Harbour in South Australia led to his appointment by Hamilton Museum as an expert in Rockingham porcelain.

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Philips Auctions

Auction houses become retail outlets for buyers

Once upon a time, furniture auction houses were the places people would go to offload their less than desirable items that no one else really wanted. Usually holding weekly sales, often these venues would be crammed to the rafters with either unwanted junk or items that would be sold off at very competitive prices.

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