29 Oct

Sothebys Australia
Historic Jackie Howe mechanical shears to go under the hammer
Sotheby’s Australia will auction the historic Jackie Howe mechanical shears as part of Tuesday’s Asian, Australian & European arts and design sale from 6pm at Anzac House 4 Collins Street, Melbourne.
The shears carry an inscription from the Wolseley S.S.M. Company and were presented to Howe following his award for the highest tally of sheep shorn with a shearing machine in 1892.
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27 Oct

Leonard Joel
Leonard Joel auctions contents of palatial manor
Leonard Joel has been appointed by the Anderson family to dispose of the John Anderson Brown Collection built up over more than 50 years at the historic stately home Norrac, 23 View Street, Hawthorn.
Restoration of the manor, which had been built in 1881 for timber merchant James Wright, was a labour of love for Richmond real estate agent John and the late Roman de Kimpe, proprietor of the South Yarra salon Noisette and Australian distributor for the French perfumery Guerlain, who together purchased the property in 1964.
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27 Oct

Deutscher and Hackett
Donald Friend collection a Sydney auction must
A significant collection of paintings, sketches, furnishings, ceramics and woodcarvings either painted or picked up by the late artist Donald Friend will be auctioned from 2pm Sunday by Deutscher and Hackett at Paddington Town Hall in Sydney.
Valued at more than $1 million, they are not from Friend’s estate – but instead belong to his long-time friend and occasional agent Attilio Guarracino.
In 1951, fellow artist Jeffrey Smart introduced Donald Friend to Mr Guarracino and, despite an often turbulent relationship, they remained friends until the artist died in 1989.
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22 Oct

Maritime auction for enthusiastic collectors
Mossgreen will auction the maritime collection of semi-retired fisherman Desmond Adcock from 2.30pm Tuesday in its new premises at 926 High Street, Armadale.
His passion for maritime items has burned brightly for more than three decades with his interests ranging from scrimshaw artefacts to whaling memorabilia, navigation instruments and paintings of ships.
In recent years, Desmond has used the internet to search, acquire and repatriate Australian ship portraits originally sold to ship captains and crews around the globe.
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20 Oct

Philips Auctions
Vendor provenance to attract auction goers
Items belonging to one of New Zealand’s leading auctioneers, the late Murray McKearney, are among some of the stronger attractions in Philips Auctions latest sale, from noon on Sunday at 47 Glenferrie Road, Malvern.
From the 1960s, Mr McKearney was a dominant force in the antiques and fine arts auction scene around Hastings and until the 1980s (when he ceased auctioneering) every dealer of note from Auckland to Wellington gathered for each of his auctions.
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20 Oct

Leonard Joel
Penny farthing and Eames furniture to drive auction further
A set of Eames chairs and marble top table brought to Australia for the 1958 World Chess Championships, and in a private collection since 1997, will be a major drawcard at Leonard Joel’s Modern + Traditional auction from noon Sunday at 12 Smith Street, Collingwood.
Another interesting aspect is the rubber caricature puppets of major political figures of the past 30 years including former Queensland premier the late Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, former ALP leader Bill Hayden, former Liberal leader Andrew Peacock and former Victorian Premier John Caine.
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19 Oct

Abbeys Auctions
Vintage cameras and Featherston chairs highlight Abbeys special monthly auction
Two collections of vintage cameras will be the highlight of Abbeys Auctions special sale of camera and photographic equipment from 10am Saturday at 480 Station Street, Box Hill.
The collections, one from a deceased estate and the other a private collector, were painstakingly assembled over many years and include some of the finest cameras ever made.
The oldest is a Thornton and Pickard plate camera from the 1890s in excellent condition and with several original tripods.
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15 Oct

Mossgreen launches new auction rooms in Armadale
Mossgreen kicks off the launch of its new state-of-the-art auction rooms at 926 High Street, Armadale with the single owner John and Marita McIntosh collection of art, antiques and collectibles from 6.30pm on Tuesday – one of the finest the auction house has ever handled.
The one-time Armadale Theatre and former home to Sotheby’s now offers a comprehensive range of auction services following the amalgamation of the Mossgreen and Leski Auctions businesses under one roof.
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13 Oct

EJ Ainger
Hairdressing guru and her love of antiques
Madame Verna Greene is probably one of the best-known names in world hairdressing and stylist circles who, when she died on November 1 last year aged 96, left an enduring legacy as a business pioneer, visionary and world judge.
While hairdressing was her life, so too was her magnificent home at Wonga Park (built in 1982 and decorated by the well-known interior designer Colin Bowman), filled with magnificent furniture and collectibles – much of it brought back from the United States.
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13 Oct

Christian McCann Auctions
Young French marquetry furniture an auction crowd puller
The estate of Australian artist Dorothy Plowright, who trained at the Royal Academy in London and married Neville Young of Young & Jackson fame, will be part of Christian McCann Auctions latest sale from noon Sunday October 13 at 426 Burnley Street, Richmond.
Dorothy Plowright-Young, who died in her 90s, was well known for her works and at one stage she and her husband owned historic Mornmoot – the 124-hectare horse stud at Whittlesea constructed in the early 1900s for Russell Chirnside who owned the property until the 1940s.
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