16 Feb

Philips Auctions
Travelling collectors auction Aboriginal art gems
It is rare these days to find collectors of Aboriginal art who actually travel to the communities to meet the artists and purchase the works first hand.
However, Michael and Janet Strachan did exactly that when about 20 years ago they first visited the Kimberley region of Western Australia and fell in love with the landscape and its art.
Their first contact was with the Warmun community – the home of what were to become iconic Aboriginal artists like Rover Thomas, Jack Britten and Queenie McKenzie - and famous for its ochre paintings.
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14 Feb

Auction of auction house premises sign of bigger and better things to come
Despite the auction sign on the roof above 229 Camberwell Road East Hawthorn, it is business as usual for Young’s Auctions – just as it has been for the past 85 years.
One of Australia’s oldest auction houses is not closing down – just moving premises to at this stage an unknown location.
“We have yet to find a suitable and larger premises to take the business into a new era,” explained managing director David Young.
“However, once the premises are sold (hopefully on auction day Thursday March 20) we will have until mid next year to find something.”
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07 Feb

Australian pottery a strong auction drawcard
A strong collection of Australian pottery featuring works by Remued, and members of the Boyd family including Guy, Martin and David, is a strong attraction for buyers at Young’s Auctions from 9.30am Friday at 229 Camberwell Road, East Hawthorn.
The auction contains several fine jewellery pieces such as gold necklaces and a sapphire ring along with crystal, ruby glass and porcelain items.
A range of modern furniture excess to requirements from a shop that has shifted location and antique furniture from several vendors also is on offer.
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04 Feb

Radio auction a bonus for collectors
John Heard’s collection of rare and antique valve radios dating from the 1920s is the highlight of Mossgreen’s Quarterly Collectors Auction Series from 10am on Tuesday and Wednesday February 4-5 at 926-930 High Street, Armadale.
The 66-year-old former Balmoral Art Gallery owner in Geelong, who first developed an interest in vintage radios as a child, has been obliged to sell his large collection of more than 100 radios because he is downsizing from his large home to a nearby townhouse.
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04 Feb

EJ Ainger
Auction rooms benefit from holiday break
E.J. Ainger opened its auction rooms on Tuesday after being closed for more than a month for the Christmas-New Year holiday break.
However, staff did not depart for the break without leaving the carrier’s number on the office answering machine and were surprised to find they were inundated with antique and luxurious furnishings and collectibles on their return.
All these items will be available for Aingers Tuesday auction from 9.30am at 433 Bridge Road, Richmond.
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03 Feb

Amanda Addams Auctions
Jewellery a major buyer attraction at Kew auction
Valuable jewellery – including a 4.32-carat diamond ring (insurance value $115,000) and a 49.30-carat tanzanite pendant ($119,000) – will be the highlight of Amanda Addams Auctions latest sale from 6.30pm Monday at 344 High Street, Kew.
These two items – and a 3.5-carat yellow diamond ring – along with several excellent paintings by well-known Australian artists belong to a South Caulfield estate and are bound to excite collector interest.
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12 Jan

Steve Graham Auctioneer
Busy month for auctioneer Steve Graham
January will be a busy month for auctioneer Steve Graham as he will be holding three auctions in 10 days.
The first, from 10am on Sunday January 12 at “Kippen Ross” 429 Bulmans Road West Melton, is a clearing sale with a comprehensive range of items that no doubt will appeal to many of the locals.
A major drawcard is the Mustang 960 bobcat with a four-in-one bucket and a Leyland three-tonne tip truck.
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06 Jan

Amanda Addams Auctions
Rare art to attract buyers to New Year auction
Rare Australian art will be among the major drawcards for Amanda Addams Auctions first sale for 2014 from 6.30pm Monday January 6 at 344 High Street, Kew.
Items for the auction are from the estate of Marjory Stillwell in Balwyn North and properties in Canterbury, Camberwell, Mornington and Trafalgar.
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05 Jan

Woodlands Auctions
Highland Royal Worcester a real auction crowd pleaser
A three-piece Royal Worcester highland cattle garniture set by Stinton joins 20 pieces of Moorcroft (some with a Spanish pattern) Royal Doulton and 19th century Staffordshire figures as a highlight of Woodlands Auctions opening sale for 2014 from 10.30am Sunday January 5 at 16 Grubb Road, Ocean Grove.
Other porcelain items include Royal Crown Derby and Beswick animals along with 19th century cut glass pieces, sterling silver, caddies and boxes.
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20 Dec

Danish retro furniture to keep auction buyers busy
Young’s Auctions latest sale from 9.30am Friday at 229 Camberwell Road, East Hawthorn features a collection of Danish retro furniture that should have many buyers keen to purchase.
One of the major highlights is a Hermon & Hermon dining suite that cost $10,000 when new.
The auction also contains new furniture from a shop that has closed along with a selection of English porcelain, art, electrical goods and new and as new leather lounge suites.
Estate jewellery includes a Rolex watch and two one-carat diamond rings.
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