Quality items at auction for discerning collectors
Author: Richard Brewster | Posted: 27th November, 2014
High quality French and English antique furniture, a superb grand piano and important Australian art and jewellery are among items to be auctioned at auctioneer Phil Caldwell latest sale from 11am Sunday November 30 at 43 Clendon Road, Toorak.
The antique French furniture includes a pair of fine commodes, a gilt salon suite and boulle vitrine – while the art features works by Russell Drysdale, David Boyd, Hugh Sawrey, Gary Shead, Pro Hart, David Bromley, Ray Crooke, John Perceval, Fred Williams, Sidney Nolan and Charles Blackman.
Among the jewellery is a 12-carat diamond platinum necklace and five-carat diamond and pearl platinum ring.
Porcelain features a major Royal Worcester plaque by W. Hawkins, Stinton vases, rare Moorcroft and a Daum Nancy cameo vase.
The auction also contains a palace size 18th century French boulle mantle clock, Sevres mantle clock and early French ormolu and tortoiseshell examples.
Unusual is the large Nicole Frere orchestral music box and rare Chinese painted ivory including a massive 56-centimetre Kwan Yin and a fine detailed mother and child.