Australian charity auction for prostate cancer
Author: Richard Brewster | Posted: 12th February, 2019
The Australian Prostate Centre will be the beneficiary of charity auction funds hosted this year by Gibson’s Auctions for New Directions Art Auction.
The auction to be held from 6pm on Sunday February 17 at Level 1, 885-889 High Street, Armadale and will feature works by many talented artists well respected in the art world.
The Australian Prostate Centre is the only one of its kind in Australia and is available for all men with cancer below the waist.
It is free for all men from both public and private sectors with or without health insurance.
A comprehensive clinic focused on a holistic approach to prostate cancer, urological conditions and men’s health, the centre is Australia’s first “one stop shop” for men.
Since opening its doors in 2015, the centre has seen more than 10,000 men and this year will expand considerably, including a focus on surgical training.
Art works for auction comprise such paintings as Julian Twigg’s Red Channel Marker 2015, Lisa Roet’s Golden Monkey 2016, Juan Ford’s Reflection 2018 and Fred Fowler’s Base and Apex 2018.
Intriguing is Sam Leach’s The beasts are our superiors in legal matters 2018, while Ken Sisters Collaborative Seven Sisters 2018 will no doubt catch the eye of auction goers.
Other works of interest include Caleb Shea’s Untitled (gradient of pink on shouldered single line) 2018 and Mathew Johnson’s Candela II 2018.
Aboriginal artist Wawiriya Burton’s Ngayuku ngura – My Country 2017 is not to be missed and Kate Shaw’s Orb 2018 causes pause for reflection.
Another work worth examining is John Kelly’s brooding Hanging Rock 2014.