Affordable Australian artists at specialist prints auction
Author: Richard Brewster | Posted: 24th March, 2018
Leonard Joel’s first specialist prints auction for 2018 features a range of affordable pictures from some of Australia’s best-known artists.
For those buyers with modest amounts to spend, it is the ideal way to enter the art market and still obtain a work from a name artist.
The auction will be held from 6.30pm Thursday March 28 at 333 Malvern Road, South Yarra.
Some of the more interesting works include a Charles Blackman screen print Crab II edition 59 of 60, John Coburn’s Sun in the Garden screen print 55/75 and John Olsen’s Camp Cove 2002 etching 21/90.
Some of the works are expected to fetch reasonable prices – such as Howard Arkley’s Rite Room digital giclee print 25/499, Margaret Olley’s Basket of Oranges, Lemons and Jug 2011 giclee print 226/250 and Tim Storrier’s Night Embers 2008 collograph 40/70.
Other works include Jacqui Stockdale’s Untitled 2005 inkjet photo, Annika Koops Parts and Labour 2013 c-type photograph mounted on Perspex, Jeff Makin’s Untitled dry point etching 24/25 and Stephen Haley’s Elvis 2007 digital lightjet photograph.